Termites can wreak havoc on your home and property. They come in different types that can sometimes confuse homeowners on identifying them. It is known that there are common types of termites in Malaysia. Many base this as the ones that they might see in their home.
They devour wood, leaving behind only a powdery residue that is difficult to remove. Getting rid of termites in your home doesn’t have to be hard or expensive. Here is how you can get rid of termites in your home.
Check for Rotten Woods
The first step is to check for rotten woods. Termites love to feed on rotting wood, so if you have any wooden beams or furniture that is starting to rot, you are at high risk for termite infestation.
If you find any signs of rot, repair the damage as soon as possible and take steps to prevent further decay. Many homeowners miss this when trying to get rid of termites, and it is a huge mistake.
Check for Entry Points
The soil around your house can also provide an entry point for these pests. If you have any cracks in the foundation or gaps where pipes go into your home, this could be a spot that termites use to get in. To prevent this, you can remove the soil around your house and replace it with crushed stone or gravel. This will help seal up any potential entry points and make it harder for termites to access your home.
Use Termite Baits
If you have already had a termite infestation in your home, using termiticide baits is a great way to get rid of them. These baits are placed in the ground around your house and contain a chemical that kills termites.
The termites consume the bait, and then they take it back to their colony, where it kills all of the members. If you have children make sure that you place the baits in an area they cannot reach to avoid accidental ingestion.
Hire a Professional
If you don’t feel that you can get rid of termites on your own, it is always a good idea to hire a professional. These professionals have all the tools and knowledge necessary to find entry points and seal them up properly. They will also be able to apply termiticides in the ground around your home safely, so they reach where the termites are hiding. You should hire a professional before the termites do too much damage to your home.
It’s important to know where termites are most likely to dwell in your home. A commonplace is near the foundation of the building, but they can also be found under porches or decks that have soil contact. You may need a professional pest control company for help with this issue if you notice any signs of termite infestation around your property.…